Friday, October 9, 2009

Been a while

So I have been really slacking this summer. But we are already into fall and well still very busy. We are about a month into pre-school which Jack absolutely loves. I am actually volunteering in the library there on fridays too. Jack comes home with the greatest projects and I just want to save all of them. Yesterday and today he did come home with an accident report though. bumped head both times. today he got quite the goose egg below his eye. His first shiner! Couldn't believe it. Also I have been working on quilt for Jack. it is coming together great. Thank goodness my mom is an expert quilter. post pics later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Now I know I have not been very good with the updates the last couple of months. We have been very busy. My sister Erin got married Memorial Day weekend so needless to say we have had very little spare time. I need to post some picture but am having trouble today with that. Also Jack has just been becoming such a big boy. For one he is 100% potty trained. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am about this!!! He really just skipped over the pull ups too. We are so proud of him. Jack is also sleeping in a big boy bed, he does end up on the floor every now and then but so far so good. We tried to get him some new bedding for his new bed but he insisted that THOSE were not his blankets and that I should bring them back to the store. He is a man that knows what he wants. Jack has also got his first bike with training wheels of course. Teaching how ride a bike is a lot harder that I thought it would be, learning how to petal and look where you are going at the same time..very hard. It reminds me of trying to teach Jack how to pump on the swings at the playground..still a work in progress. And last but not least we have a open house at jack's preschool this upcoming week. Jack is going to be starting preschool. I can't believe how big he is getting. It truly does feel like yesterday I was cat napping on and off with a new baby at home and now he is a big boy. I will post with pictures soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Right there on Jack's's right...another bump. This kids is just too crazy. This is the second time in two weeks that we have had to 1) ice down a forehead. 2) get read the rights of the concussion by the SAME nurse. 3) wake him up every 3 hours through the night. So if anyone has any question about a concussion and you pediatric nurse is busy, just call me because I have them memorized!!!!!!!

Streched out

It doesn't get better than this!


After being cooped up in the house for so long it was so nice to get outside and get some fresh air. We played outside almost every day this week. Jack couldn't be happier!

Looks like spring is finally ahead

There is life in that ground!

Monday, March 9, 2009

No more secrets!

Finally it is over and I can breathe again! No more sneaking around and lying. My sister Erin's bridal shower was on saturday! We put so much effort into keeping this a surprise for her, not to mention the effort we put onto MAKING the favors! See how much we love her! Erin was excited and was totally surprised! She couldn't believe that we tricked her so good! Now we can actually make eye contact when speaking. Erin got everything she could possibly need and more. We had so much fun putting away her old dishes and putting the new things away! Ah, next up the wedding in May!